This week 86.4 miles
Saturday May 9th – Started at 9:53 pm Friday to 12:16:59 pm Saturday. 14:23:59 hours 60 miles LSD.
Sunday May 10th – Off
Monday May 11th – 4.8 miles, 4 sets of 10 chin-ups, 3 rounds boxing the Heavy Bag
Tuesday May 12th – 4.8 miles, 5 sets of 64 push-ups, 20 minutes of Planks
Wednesday May 13th – 12 miles in 2:25:59, 3 sets of 25 squats
Thursday May 14th – 4.8 miles, 4 sets of 10 chin-ups, 3 rounds boxing the Heavy Bag
Friday May 15th – Date night with my Wife!
Had my all night training walk this week. 60 miles in 14:23:59. Overall my feet got tired. The outside muscle of my calves were sore. My lower abs and lower back were sore. Staying up all night was not a problem. No blisters or hot spots. For my Centurion attempt I will have to walk a little faster pace. Walk almost nine hours longer. All my thoughts of grandeur and fame are gone. I will hold to my planned pace for the race. Hope that the excitement of the race gives me a boost. I will also make a point to have a full taper week before race day. I am still excited. An excited realist now. Walking 100 miles in 24 hours will not be easy. I know I can do it. All the soreness went away by Wednesday.