This week 47.2 Miles
Saturday April 18th – 4.8 miles, 5 sets of 64 push-ups, 20 minutes of Planks
Taper Starts
Sunday April 19th – 20.0 miles LSD in 4:24:15. Foam roller workout.
Monday April 20th – 4.8 miles
Tuesday April 21st – 4.8 miles
Wednesday April 22nd – 8.0 Miles LSD in 1:45:03.
Thursday April 23rd – 4.8 miles, foam roller workout.
Friday April 24th – Date night with my Wife!
A great taper week. Looking forward to the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. Same game plan as my last Marathon. Follow the 5 hour pacer and try and pass them in the last miles. Save my legs for the 100 Miles in 24 Hours F.A.N.S 24 hour in just over six weeks. There are two Australian Centurions signed up and a fellow from The Netherlands that has the Continental and British Centurion badges. It will be fun to watch them race.