This Week 21.6 Miles
Saturday November 28th – 5 sets of 68 push-ups, 21 Minutes of Planks
Sunday November 29th – 3 sets of 30 Squats
Monday November 30th – 4 Miles, 4 sets of 9 chin-ups. 3 rounds boxing the heavy bag.
Tuesday December 1st – 4.8 Miles, 5 sets of 68 push-ups. 21 Minutes of Planks
Wednesday December 2nd – 8 Miles in 1:42:45. 3 sets of 30 Squats
Thursday December 3rd – 4.8 Miles, 4 sets of 9 chin-ups. 3 rounds boxing the heavy bag.
Friday December 4th – Date Night with my Wife!
I eased back into training this week. Strength training has been tough. Amazing how fast you can lose fitness. Push-ups and chin-ups that had gotten easy are once again hard. All in the matter of two weeks. My legs feel surprisingly strong. I will keep pushing up the mileage. Get back into form for my Double Marathons the end of the year. Two double Centurions from the Netherlands have signed up for Australia. It will be nice to share the track with others working toward the same goal. We can feed off each other. I get more excited every day.